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Stories of change, action, and resilience

The Fifth Vital Sign: Atlanta Doctors Are Talking Climate Change With Patients
Leveraging trust built over time, doctors hope to depolarize the issue and break through misinformation.

Aging Japanese EVs Are Giving Zimbabwe Fits
“This is deepening the pollution hazard, and making a mockery of local green-transition efforts.”


Fragile, Flooded South Sudan Asks: What About Those With Disabilities?
The idea that the world is becoming a better place, and there are less and less needs in terms of humanitarian aid, is over.”

How Unverified Claims About the LA Wildfires Spread Across Chinese-Language Media
“People were confused. It was almost as if both the fire and misinformation were too big to contain.”

Can The Ilemi Triangle’s Forgotten Pastoralists Trade Arms for Peace?
In these desiccated plains, anything can become fodder for conflict.
“But this is all we know.”

सगरमाथा आरोहण भन्दा आधार क्षेत्रमा सफा पिउने पानी पाउन कष्टकर बन्दै
पर्यटन र क्षेत्रीय प्रदूषणले खुम्बु उपत्यकालाई दूषित बनाउदै गर्दा, अनुसन्धानकर्ताहरू भने जमिनमुनी पिउने पानीको स्रोतहरू खोज्नमा तल्लिन छन्।

Women are the Backbone of The Gambia’s Mangrove Gambit
“I feel happy whenever I see my fellow women because the work is done towards the development of the community so I feel glad.”

Turning the Sargassum Crisis into a Seaweed Industry
“There is a lot of money out there, and now we just must mobilize it towards the supply chain.”

Human-Elephant Conflicts Drive South Indian Farmers Into Poverty
In the last decade, elephants have killed humans, cattle, and damaged almost 6,000 acres of cropfields in conflict attacks in South India.
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