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Ben Luttinen
Apr 22, 20205 min read
Bits of Bliss?
Seemingly out of nowhere, my mind started to wander while I continued playing and it somehow brought me back around to my work.
Tahira Anwar
Apr 16, 20206 min read
Avevo Appena Fatto Ritorno a Casa Quando il Mio Paese fu Messo in Isolamento
Passavo da una notizia all'altra, da un'app all'altra, in un circolo vizioso e inarrestabile.
Tahira Anwar
Apr 13, 20206 min read
I Just Came Back Home When My Country Was Placed on Lockdown
I shifted from one news to another, from one app to another in an unstoppable vicious circle.
Kate Melanson
Apr 7, 20205 min read
I was Regaining Control of My Life. Then COVID-19 Came.
Coming to grips with the loss of control is difficult for me, but I was making progress. Then, COVID-19 hit.
Linh Anh Cat
Apr 4, 20205 min read
I'm Writing to Continue My Father's Legacy
When I got back to my car, I had a voicemail from my mom: “Call me back when you get this. Your dad is in the hospital.”
Adriana Romero-Olivares
Mar 25, 20204 min read
en Movimiento
Quería gritar: “¡SI, ACEPTO!”
Pero traté de mantener la calma.
Ying-He Celeste Lü
Mar 24, 20204 min read
The Walls Will Fall One Day if We Keep Growing
“The Wall” — local people like to address it this way. To locals, the mere length or the grandeur of it does not ring any bells.
Adriana Romero-Olivares
Mar 19, 20204 min read
On the Move
I wanted to yell and say: “YES I ACCEPT!”
But I tried to be cool.
Beth Bartel
Mar 6, 20204 min read
I Was Scared by Volcanoes, so I Decided to Study Them
I was petrified of volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, high winds, lightning, and even--when I was very young--the sound of the ocean.
Sneha Dharwadkar
Feb 17, 20206 min read
The Wild Calls. Am I Listening?
My field site was adorned with loads and loads of herps and nobody can tell me otherwise.
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