Richard BednarskiAug 2, 20225 min readHow a Local Journalist Reported on the Dixie Fire in His BackyardI knew the Dixie Fire was unprecedented. I knew that climate change had a role in its massive size. I also knew that not all of it was bad.
Naa Asheley AshiteyJul 22, 20227 min readPerspective: Two Years of COVID and Counting, Medicine Still Does Not Value Black LivesWhen we throw up the white flag with our approach to COVID, we are simply saying that racism is a public health crisis but we don’t care.
Jess TurnerJul 16, 20224 min readPerspective: Saving Sapelo Island's Legacy from SinkingBut it is necessary to put research into context to understand how past events are shaping the island’s future – land, life, and people.
Richard BednarskiJul 12, 20229 min readAre Our Sierra Nevada Towns Destined to Go Down in Flames?Nearly twenty years after I left town, wildfires are posing a whole new threat to my homeland.
Rose SchnabelJul 1, 20226 min readPosible, probable, por supuesto: la evolución de la certeza en el reportaje de COVID-19El reportaje de COVID-19 demuestra cómo la retórica puede cambiar profundamente la percepción de un hecho científico por parte del lector.
Rose SchnabelJun 28, 20226 min readMight, Maybe, Must: The Evolution of Certainty in COVID-19 ReportingCOVID-19 reporting is a clear example of how rhetoric can deeply change a reader’s perception of scientific fact.
The XylomJun 14, 20227 min readPerspective: The Only Perk of My Job Was Being Able to Watch My Friend DieI didn’t tell my friend about the psychologist; he already felt like an inconvenience - I didn’t want to make it worse.
Saugat BolakheJun 7, 20227 min readDaunting Work at the Third PoleAs I struggled to find words, Magar was gone — for he was more worried about his bread than my climate change lecture.
Luisirene HernandezMay 23, 20226 min read有時,往前進的方法是回到原點我開始在歷史上排擠像我這樣背景之少數族裔的空間中佔有一席之位,但它卻變成一個我無法自由表達自己的空間,因為我不得不改變我的穿著和說話方式,且有很長一段時間我不使用西班牙語,導致有時我甚至很難與家人溝通時找到並用對詞彙。